X-trude 1400

The most powerful solution for demanding rheological tests. With its high torque and precise control, it is perfect for large-volume tests, process simulations and material development.

Laboratory Extruder X-trude 1400

Maximum performance for your requirements

With 1400Nm torque and 16.59kW power, the X-trude 1400 is the most powerful laboratory extruder in our series. Developed for demanding applications in research, development and industrial processes, it enables continuous online rheology and precise material characterization. Its high performance and extensive configuration options make it the ideal choice for material optimization, process simulation and large-volume testing.

Maximum efficiency and precise control guarantee reliable results - even under demanding conditions.

(Kopie 4)

 GÖTTFERT 的“X-trude”系列紧凑式挤出机,专为实验室测试和生产聚合物而设计。应用范围从简单的熔体给料机用于在线流变仪(测定熔体指数、MVR或粘度),或用于像薄膜分析仪(ALS)这样的后续装置,一直到集成测试分析(ALR)连续进料系统(在线取样器)的全功能实验室挤出机。



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